Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Eye Surgery Institute Just Purchased Please Answer This Question Fast?

Please answer this question fast? - the eye surgery institute just purchased

Eye Surgery Institute has just bought a new machine Laer $ 500,000 for use in eye surgery. The Institue iventor pay $ 550 must be used each time the machine is. if the school charges $ 2,000 for each laser surgery, which is the minimum number of operations can be performed at the Institute for profit?

1 comment:

  1. Generating profits, you need enough to pay the machine (500,000) and then do something

    when the machine is used, 2000 is paid by the patient, and 550 goes to the inventor for the company receives for each operation in 1450

    If you are the sum to find the equilibrium point (500,000) and divide by the gain obtained in any transaction, (1450) 344.8, but I can not do surgery in round 8 to 345, this means how to do a little more sense than 500,000 did have a profit



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