Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tiny Blood Blistersskinhiv Stray Cat: Tiny Blood Spots From The Cat - What Is This?

Stray Cat: Tiny blood spots from the cat - What is this? - tiny blood blistersskinhiv

I recently adopted a cat so young. I noticed that the leaves do not understand small drop of blood on the floor and where it comes from. This is a kind of parasite? It has these weird scaly areas around the neck, that I "think" are only crusts. Is this to do this problem?


  1. The blood could be:
    1. Urine - Bladder
    2. Anus - anal glands or parasites or colitis (inflammation of the intestines)
    3. Lesions
    4. Flea dirt (flea feces and blood, but blood stains can be seen under wet conditions)
    Make sure litter box to go to the bathroom and see if there blood in the stool or urine. Worm and flea treatment for them.

  2. This spring, the cat urine? This happened with my cat and he had bladder stones, in the absence of a better description of his "leak" blood instead of urine.

    With respect to the crusts on their backs, unless the cat's hair is super short, I think it would be very little bleeding scabs of skin to go through all that and the departure had to drop out of the ground, more a cat with scabs on his neck is bleeding again, and never

    I would have him to a vet as soon as possible, sometimes when the vet said it was a stray dog, Wil they cut agreement on the review and everything to do with the animal.

    Good luck!

  3. You should check the vet, but he seemed in good health. I think this is good, and it is warm, or some sort of injury. Do you see a vet. They should never be one, without having to check everything that you know that you chat rabies!

  4. Maybe the itch is that is not good, but I do not know if cats, take him to the vet immediately to

  5. This is similar to the kitten can be a flea infestation have places droppin unlikely to be trapped in the blood dried your skin against the bites of fleas. The crusts may have an allergic reaction to flea ... Believe it or not, many cats are allergic to fleas. Get some kind of advantage, very effective and works well.

  6. Crusts of cold, but you might want to check for worms Ring

  7. Scars may be bitten by fleas, ticks and scratches when he cut his claws around his neck. if a cat is very young, then you might want to bring him to the vet because Parisito a kitten may be lethal.

  8. Chanmckinlay right! There are many possibilities. I had the same problem and was flea dirt (feces), which transformed into droplets of blood when it is wet. I thought it might have a problem in urine, because I could not find any cuts or scratches on them. I have never seen a flea. When I took him to the vet knew it was not fleas or (some great veterinarian, not even) in the face of the chips. I discovered it was exactly like it on the Internet. Buy a flea comb and use it, pull the right flea on your cat and you know. If you do not see fleas, you should get the cat to the vet for a diagnosis. Good luck!



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